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Bold FAQs.
Answers to Your Most Frequently Asked Questions.
What Display Ad Types does ROKU support?Research from Nielsen shows that it takes streamers an average of seven minutes to decide what to watch. To help streamers shorten their decision-making process, entertainment marketers must influence users before and after those “7 minutes” to ensure streamers choose your content first. To do that, you should think about how to create ad experiences across every key streaming moment. Moments to Connect and Convert Search & Discover Moment | Streamer is looking for their next piece of content Native Home Screen Ad (CPI & CPM) Great for: Featuring your content front and center on the TV streaming “channel guide” Channel Guide Portrait Version Landscape Version
What Video Ad Types does ROKU support?Sit Back & Stream Moment | Streamer is viewing content (CPM ONLY) Great for: Engaging streamers with your content using sight, sound and emotion
Can I target specifc audiences?Yes, for CPM based campaigns ROKU offers behavioral targeting options based on content viewership.
What levels of geo-targeting can I do?Yes, you can target users by country, state, DMA, city, and ZIP code.
What kinds of ads does ROKU Ad Manager support?Display: Advertisers who have a channel published on Roku can run display ads on the Roku homescreen and screensaver to promote their channel and increase viewership. Video: Advertisers can run 15 or 30 second video ads. These video ads run during pods or breaks in content, similar to a traditional TV commercials
What are the creative guidelines?Full creative guidelines are listed HERE.
What are the ad policies?Full policies can be read HERE.
What are the campaign minimums?Each campaign has a $750 minimum per campaign line item.
Where do I find my Channel ID?Here are directions on how you can get your channel ID: 1. Log into the Developer Dashboard. 2. Under “Manage My Channels”, go to “Preview and Update” next to the channel you want to view. The URL that appears at the top of the page includes the channel ID. 3. Here's an example of where the channel ID is highlighted in yellow:
Which brands will advertise on my channel?We partner will top Fortune 500 Brands. All ads comes in the form of :15 and :30 second video spots (commercials).
What are the brands KPIs?Brands mainly look at completion rate (CVR), of around 95%+.
How do I integrate with video ads?We will issue you a VAST tag that can be inserted into your channel, your SSP, or your ad server.
What are the payment types and terms?We payout on a flat CPM or revenue share basis. Our payment terms are 'sequential liability' and you will be paid as soon as we are paid from our advertisers.
How does BILLING work?All billing is done on a pre-payment monthly basis. Payment can be accepted via ACH or a Credit Card (2.9% fee + $0.25). The pre-payment covers the cost of media, the transaction fees and the SecondPage managed service fees.
What if the budget is not fully spent?Any 'media budget' that is NOT spend, will be carried over into the next month. If you wish to NOT spend that money, this can be refunded upon request.
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